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Fine Art Music

No One Had To Tell Us - by Claire Karst Rivero, Performed by Freya Perry
Note: This song was written in the aftermath of the revelations of church-run orphanages selling children and in some cases killing them, with bodies buried in mass graves.
I Have Seen a Woodland at Fall

Text by Alan Watts, Sung by Ingrid Harwood, Miquel Cadoy, John Galliano. Distributed by Hal Leonard Music - See the VIDEO
Tarantelle Fantastique - Listed in the Classical MIDI archives.
Ashlyn's Song
Fanfare for Everyman
Inner Child's Play

Published by Zimbel Press
Lulliby for Leah

The Lorca Song Cycle

Murio al Amanecer
Cancion Inutile
Song of the Barren Orange Tree
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